Environmental Testing

Spore Trap Media

Spore Trap Media

Indoor Air Quality Testing
Indoor air quality sampling tests the quality of the air breathed by occupants of an enclosed environment. Micro5® Spore Traps were pioneered to evenly and quantitatively collect aeroallergens such as pollens, mold and fungal spores, fibers, danders, insect components and other air-borne contaminants.

Air sampling helps to determine the spore count in the area and what kind of mold spore is in the air. Air samples are used in a variety of ways. Here at Wiregrass Environmental one of the ways we use testing is to provide clearance after a remediation project is complete, giving the occupants peace of mind that the job was done correctly. We also take air quality samples to determine the extent of a mold problem to accurate diagnose and decide on a plan of action.

We recommend that a test is taken in every red flag area. For purposes of getting a baseline spore count reading, a minimum of three samples is needed including an exterior sample. We will discuss your options, such as how many samples need to be collected, the locality of the red flag areas, and of course what would be best for your budget and needs.

Lift Tapes

Lift Tapes

Mold Surface Sampling
Mold surface sampling is taken via a swab sample or by a tape lift sample. This will confirm the area of suspected mold growth and of what type.

Is it Always Necessary to Sample for Mold?
If visible mold growth is present, sampling is likely unnecessary. Decisions about appropriate removal strategies can often times be made on the basis of a visual inspection.

Sampling Costs
Spore Trap Samples are $150 per sample.
Lift Tape Samples are $100 per sample.
This cost includes collection fees, lab fees, and basic shipping fees.
Rush shipping and rush results are additional.